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International Pet Travel

It's nice when you are planning a vacation for yourself, but sometimes you may want to take your dog with you.

Hopping on plane to plane with your pet is easy within the U.S., but what about international travel? International travel for your pet is a complicated and frustrating process. Travel Hogz has information for you if you cannot and will not leave your fur baby behind and seem too overwhelmed with all of the research that goes into it.

Airlines For International Pet Travel - Your little guy or gal can be booked on the same flight for some airlines. If they are small enough to go under the seat perfect. This will depend first on the country you are going to and on the airlines you choose. Norwegian Air had great flights to Rome for $169 pp. Cheap right? Yes for you, but no pets. They don't allow pets in cabin nor in cargo. Problem #1 arises. You call other airlines and ask. They accept pets in cargo, but the tickets for you are over $1000 and the pet $300-$400. Problem # 2 plane tickets for you are not only expensive but your pets are even expensive too. Let's say cost isn't an object. Some airlines such as Air France, Delta, United won't accept pets to go international unless they are shipped with a logistics company, you guessed it, Problem # 3. Ok so you hire a logistics company.

Your pets life and safety could be in jeopardy simply because most logistics companies are for cargo and really won't tend to your pet. In other words....they are :cargo. Aside from that, you're still responsible for getting their USDA paperwork within 10 days of travel and their required paperwork from the vet and their microchip. Timing their required shots, vet visit and microchipping (required for all international travel for your dog and probably cats too to coincide with their flight, is everything. Problem # 4 just rose. So what do you do? Time your flight at the same time as the dogs and hope you did everything right or miss your flight dealing with it. If something goes wrong, no one flies and you just wasted money on all those plane tickets and payment to the logistics company.

Here is what can make shipping your pet a breeze. Hire a PET logistics company! A great company to hire is Woof Air International Pet Travel. They specialize in, guessed it...International pet travel. Nigel, the owner, will inform you of everything you need to do up until the day it's time for your pooch or kitty to fly. For adult dogs, speak to your vet about which country they are going to or look at the requirements for that country you are going to (London has stricter rules, consult the embassy for traveling to with your pet). Puppies have different requirements for the timing of their shots. Most European countries, and in this case, Italy, require the rabies vaccine but you want to make sure your pet is up to date on all shots and worming to protect the pet.

A rabies shot for an adult dog has to be done within 21 days or more and the micro chip (usually a required 15 digits) must be inserted after the rabies shot. A veterinary exam for a vet certificate for USDA (Wow Air Pet travel provides you with the document) must be completed within 10 days of the pet(s) traveling. If more than one pet, they can be combined on the same health certificate. USDA as of February 2018 requires an appointment.

The hours are short from 7:30am to 11am Monday-Friday. Be sure go to USDA days before and ask them for the correct health exam form for the vet. Wow Air Pet travel provides you with the document and an example of a completed form. Very possible they could. Take the original to USDA along with the rabies certificate and microchip information and have USDA stamp it and give it to Woof Air (email is fine because they are not in the U.S.) keep a copy for yourself. Another tip is to be sure your pet is well groomed and he or she is looking dapper. You want to be sure that when they go through TSA, USDA, and Customs they look healthy and clean. No one will question a handsome or dolled up pooch. A dirty dog may raise an eyebrow and possibly cause delay when going over their paperwork.

Woof Air also gives you the information needed for the airline standard pet carrier's and size and what they need and can have inside, 2 bottles of frozen water, poop pads, a blanket or a bed, a bag of food, leashes and collars. A good idea is to add an item of clothing you wear frequently so they can smell you to ease their fear. Flying for us is stressful so image your pet being wheeled around for several hours by strangers. It's probably best to attach another copy of the health certificate to the crates in a plastic protector. On the big day, Woof Air will send two team members to pick up your pet(s) and wisp them away to their flight. Someone will fly with your pet and send you video updates on What's App on how your pet is doing. From arriving to the airlines, connecting flights, being picked up from the airlines, and delivered to your door, you will be reassured your pet is safe and not shoved into the overhead cabin. We won't point any fingers, but Woof Air International Pet Travel isn't United with such mayhem. Before you know it, you'll be reunited with your lovable little fur ball in your country of choice, and all four problem were resolved.

Traveling from country to country smoothly with your pet will require an EU pet passport. Once in Europe, you have 10 days to have an embassy approved vet look at and approve the paperwork. Nigel from Woof Air recommends vets close to where you are staying. Don't want the hassle? Ask Woof Air to arrange picking up your pet and doing it for you. It's additional, but if communicating in the language in that particular country is is a challenge, it's recommended to let one of Woof Air's associates handle it. Then your pet is able to hop countries with ease.

Florence and Your Dog

Walking through the Florentine streets is an amazing experince. Walking through the streets and walking into restaurants with your dog....priceless! Florence welcomes dogs. They can't get enough of them. Just make sure your pooch is well behaved prior to taking them. You don't want any embarrasing moments which could possible ruin this amenity. Coco & Happy, Travel Hogz Travel Dogz, were able to go many places and were adored by everyone who graced their presence. Coco especially couldn't get enough of the Florence streets. Wanting to go everyday and try new flavors of gelato, Coco is definitely a TRUE Travel Hog!


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