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Travel Hogz Travel Videos
Welcome to our YouTube travels, the guided tour through our relationship! From the moment we first said "It's a date," we've had a steady stream of adventure that has taken us all over the world. But it isn't just about jet-setting – for us, it's about savoring every memory along the way with humor and grace as life serves up unexpected surprises.
What better way to take stock of such an amazing journey than by sharing everything with you while you can come along with us? Join us as we trace our steps from date nights in Paris to hanging out museums in London, roasted marshmallows under the stars on RV glamping trips to singing Christmas carols in Dubrovnik – it's going to be an exciting journey!
Travel Hogz Travel

Travel Hogz Glamping Adventure - Desert RV Trip
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Dancing With The Cockroaches - Valencia, Spain - HD 1080p
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Pula Croatia
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